Our Objectives

To promote educational and social welfare of children under the age of nine years, without distinction of race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender, sexuality, social class, disability or age by providing advice and support to parents, carers and workers concerned with the education and social welfare of children.

Our Aims

  • To provide a Toy Library service, information and social media to existing Early Childhood Project Members and to develop the scheme to include more families and voluntary, statutory and private sector organisations wishing to ensure that anti-bias equal opportunity awareness and children’s rights is a part of their work.
  • To provide and develop resources, including online, that support users in establishing anti-bias practice and equal opportunities and enable access to these resources.
  • To enable groups to access resources that reflect all people, all children in a positive way, irrespective of race, disability, marital status, age, gender identity, social class, religion or differences in family lifestyle and culture.
  • To provide advice, support and information in Brighton and Hove and district throughout local networks to statutory and community initiatives.
  • To provide support, information, resources and anti-bias training to workers and professionals working in early years play, care and education and to work co-operatively with their support networks and colleagues.
  • To remain aware and responsive to political and social changes within our areas of work, as they arise, locally and nationally.
  • To develop partnerships and work co-operatively with people both employed and working voluntarily with children, in order to share knowledge, understanding, skills and expertise.

Why What We Do Is Important

We support individuals on the journey around equalities and inclusion. We help develop knowledge and skills that enable us to challenge and combat prejudice, discrimination and injustice in the lives of young children.

Early education holds the key to changing society and parents and carers are the prime educators in their children’s lives.

We pro-actively encourage and develop an anti-bias approach to life by raising awareness and self-esteem in children and their adults.

Our Organisation

The Brighton, Hove & District Early Childhood Project is an educational charity, registered in England and Wales, number 1068309. The Project is managed by it’s Trustees and Executive Committee which meets monthly. The Committee is elected each year at our Annual General Meeting. Contact us if you are interested in joining the Executive.

How We Are Funded

Our work is mainly funded by grants, commissions and public donations.

Brighton and Hove City Council commissions us to lead various pre-school sessions across the city in their children’s centres and branch libraries. The city council also gives funding for some of the cost of providing our Toy Library service.

Through donations by our toy library users and occasional benefactors, the charity is able to provide play events and purchase specialist toys and books for the toy library.

The Early Childhood Project willingly gives advice, support and information as part of it’s charitable aims and objectives within it’s daily activities. However, the charity aims for full cost recovery for time and money spent for contracted, commissioned and commercial work.