
  • We believe that all adults connected with the Project have the same responsibility to ensure the well-being and safety of the children and vulnerable adults, as well as those adults who may have more regular and frequent contact with the children/vulnerable adults.
  • If, by proxy, we hear from other adults they have concerns about a child or adult, we would urge them to follow their own safeguarding policy if in a workplace, or assist them if a parent/carer.
  • In the following policy, the reference to “worker” refers to any ECP worker, volunteer, student placement or Executive Committee member or Trustee.


  • To ensure that workers of the Early Childhood Project maintain vigilance to enable them to spot signs or symptoms associated with child /adult abuse and neglect and inform the relevant authorities.
  • The Early Childhood Project is committed to best practice guidelines and full co-operation between agencies and workers.
  • All involved with the Project will work together to achieve a safe environment for children, parents/carers, vulnerable adults and workers.
  • The well-being and safety of children and vulnerable adults is crucially important, and workers have a duty to protect children from harm wherever possible.
  • All children /people will be treated with respect, dignity and sensitivity.
  • In any conflict between the needs of the child and those of the parent/carer, the needs of the child will be first.

Procedures for dealing with suspected abuse or neglect

It is not the role of any ECP workers, volunteers, or members of the Executive Committee to investigate allegations of abuse, neglect, or suspicions of harm.

  1. Whatever is said or discussed between ECP workers/volunteers/student placements, parents/carers and other agencies/professionals must be in strict confidence.
  2. Parents/carers should always be involved in the monitoring of their child’s welfare with the ECP worker giving them the opportunity to discuss any worries they may have.
  3. If an allegation has been made, the worker will make a verbatim written record and stating what was seen including as much detail as possible.
  4. Workers (see list above) should be aware of a change in a child’s behaviour or appearance and react accordingly.
  5. Children and vulnerable adults will be listened to carefully and sympathetically and her or his word will be taken very seriously.
  6. Workers must record everything that has been noticed and any decisions/actions taken.
  7. Everything that has been said by the child or vulnerable adult must be recorded exactly.
  8. Children must not feel as if they are being interviewed.
  9. All information must be kept confidentially.

Working away from toy library base

ECP workers will use the (BHCC) Front Door for Families which encourages contact from anyone concerned about the needs of children or families. If the concern is urgent, the worker should immediately contact Front Door for Families to ensure the referral is dealt with quickly. Then email or call or text Clair on x so that an ECP confidential log can be kept of our interaction with the family and the Front Door for Families.

The online Threshold Document and Interactive Framework outlines in full the levels of need and whether the concerns are appropriate for referral in to the Front Door for Families.

When The Front Door for Families is contacted about a concern or a request for help, they consider the contact on the day it is received and then make a decision about the outcome within 72 hours. This can be for a Social Work intervention, Early Help support, or they log the information with no further action. Early Help support may include advice and information, parenting support, care coordination or a family coach.

Child Protection concerns if working in a BHCC venue, group or session

  1. Concerns noted by ECP worker/volunteer.
  2. Concerns discussed with parent/carer unless it is assessed as placing the child at further risk.
  3. Concerns discussed immediately with the safeguarding lead at “host” group’s children’s centre or other BHCC venue and follow their instructions.
  4. If no one is immediately available, contact the Front Door for Families direct, see above.
  5. Then email so that an ECP confidential log can be kept of our interaction with the family and the Front Door for Families.

Safe Employment Procedures

  1. All workers (paid or unpaid) will be subject to DBS checks.
  2. All workers will provide references that will be taken up and work for a probationary period.
  3. Anyone not yet checked will not be alone with a child, supervise children in a separate room or undertake toilet/nappy changing duties.
  4. All workers will be given on-going and up to date Safeguarding Children training.
  5. All workers will attend a two-day Protective Behaviours course and incorporate Protective Behaviours into their work.

Worker Protection

When working in any childcare setting, workers are in a vulnerable position. One’s behaviour must be always professional and open to scrutiny. There are steps that can be taken to prevent being unjustly accused of abuse:

  • Record keeping is kept up to date.
  • If an accident has occurred, ensure that it is recorded and that another worker witnesses this and that the parent/carer is informed.
  • Suspicions or concerns about any child, adult or colleague are reported to the ECP Co-ordinator and a written record is kept.
  • Worries are discussed within supervision and included in the confidential monthly worker reports to the Trustees.
  • Workers should, when possible, belong to a union or professional association or support group
  • Co-workers and the child’s parent/carer are informed of any incidents, accidents or events that have occurred during the session/day.
  • Ensure that children are at all times well supervised and not left in the care of unauthorised people.
  • Appropriate behaviour and language is always used in front of the children.
  • Inappropriate touches from children should be reported at once, as well as other incidents that make you feel uncomfortable.

The Early Childhood Project has a responsibility to

  • Keep its workers up to date with changes in appropriate legislation and information.
  • Keep in line with partner agency’s safeguarding policies and procedures.
  • Offer training in safeguarding issues as needed.
  • Offer Protective Behaviours training as needed.
  • Co-operate fully and supportively if the Project’s workers have concerns over another worker’s practice.
  • Review this policy annually or when there is a change in legislation and update this policy as needed.
  • Is a vulnerable adult, or an adult at risk.
  • A person over the age of 18 who is unable to take care of themselves.
  • One who is unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.

Last updated December 2022