Come and play and have fun at our bag-themed morning!
We’ll have things to make with bags, lots to play with and look at and even bags to buy. There’s a brief meeting and then there will be lunch (in a bag!) and lastly, singing.
Everyone is welcome, bring the family.
This year we shall be collecting bags of clothes or other textiles to fundraise for the toy library.
Saturday 28th October 2017 10am - 1pm
Tarner Children's Centre
Textiles Collection
We are organising a textiles collection to raise funds for our Toy Library.
The scheme we are using is called ‘Phil’ the Bag. You can find more about it on their website, but here is a quote:
We aim to lead the way in tackling textile waste and inspire, engage and support schools, clubs, charities, community groups and business organisations to improve the impact they have on society through fundraising from textile and clothing recycling. At least 75% of textiles still make up 12% of landfill sites. Our main aim is to increase textile and clothing recycling to reduce landfill and offer a financial reward to those participating in our project. Fun and easy fundraising! Helping you raise funds from your textile recycling donations. ‘Phil’ the Bag is a FREE clothing recycling initiative.
We are collecting clothing, textiles, hats, shoes, belts, handbags, sheets, pillow cases, duvet covers, curtains and towels.
They must be in wearable/good condition as they will be sold and distributed to people who can use them.
If you have some clothes or other textiles you would like to donate so they can be recycled and raise some money for our Toy Library, please bag them up and bring them along on Saturday 28th October. Thank you!